marriage retreat
OCTOBER 13-14, 2017
colorado springs, colorado
With Dr. Alemu & Genet Beeftu
"We can only draw out what we are willing to put into our marriage."
Are you ready to taste the new wine in your marriage?
If so, let us come together to hear what Jesus is saying. The eyes of the Lord have always been focused on family units. Since the beginning of creation to Noah’s ark, and even in the first Passover was a family event based on protection and covenant. “The blood will serve as a sign on the houses where you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you…” (Ex.12:13). The purpose of this conference is to strengthen the foundation of our marriage covenant by the word of the Lord so that the ceremonial empty jars would be filled with the new wine.
Remember - we can only draw out what we are willing to put into our marriage.

We experienced healing and deliverance in our marriage through the Gospel of Glory Marriage Conference. Deep seeded issues that had been residence for years and years were quickly exposed and prayed over. They guided us through a strong Biblical foundation of healing from the past and walked us into the covenant destiny of our future for our marriage and inheritance of our children. We left the conference with a life-giving, sweet aroma of hope!
- Jeniffer

Come as you are. Those words cannot be spoken truer of approaching the throne of grace, or entering the marriage ministry of Alemu and Genet Beeftu. I was concerned about showing up with my life in order and to present a good front, problem is, that was nothing more than pride trying to take center stage and that spirit was quickly exposed. Their gentle yet firm approach, steeped in the word of God, and their personal experiences contributed to an amazing few days of rich, deep blessing and radical transformation. If you're thinking about going, my encouragement to you would be think no longer...sign up...you won't be disappointed.
- Robert

Gospel of Glory’s mandate from God is to equip Christian leaders and empower the Body of Christ for evangelism and discipleship.
In strategic regions of the world, Gospel of Glory trains and equips leaders to walk boldly in their calling to impact their generation, in their towns, cities, and nations, with the truth of Jesus Christ.
Marriage & Family MISSION
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