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The call of God that I accepted 48 years ago still burns in my heart. I continue to preach the Gospel, to train and equip emerging leaders, and to encourage the Body of Christ to fulfill the mandate of the Gospel.

This year, to date, we have ministered in Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We have witnessed the powerful work of Christ—salvation, deliverance, and restoration—and we have equipped the Body of Christ for the work of the gospel.

Dr. Alemu Beeftu


Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


I am writing this brief highlight with great joy for what the Lord has done this month and for your faithfulness in advancing the Kingdom's work. Thank you, again, for sending me to the UK, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Malaysia through your prayers and financial support for the work of God. 


In June and July alone, I traveled to three continents, four countries and nine cities to speak at conferences and conduct leadership training workshops. All these ministry trips were very powerful and impactful in advancing the Kingdom agenda. In addition to repentance and renewal for the believers and empowerment for leaders, more than 100 individuals accepted the Lord as their personal Savior for the first time, for which I am very thankful to the Lord. 


After I spoke on Kingdom business—foundation, process and impact at Kingdom University’s conference in Corinth, Texas, I flew to Sheffield, UK, to speak at Emmanuel Church’s annual conference, where I provided biblical church structure for the local church.  


At that conference on June 20, 2023, I flew to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for a special conference, concluding with 52 days of reaching 1,000,000 (one million) souls with the good news of the Gospel of salvation. The conference was held at the Millenium Convention Center with 11,000 participants. During that week, I witnessed the salvation of more than 100 individuals. The focus of the conference, after reaching 1.5 million with the Gospel, was to bring holistic renewal to the churches, the nation of Ethiopia and Africa. The two-day conference started with repentance (in the national Conversion Center).

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Public repentance.

The impact of the two-day gathering of more than 11,000 people had a lasting impact on the city of Addis Ababa, as well as over the nation. Everyday, 150 buses transported the participants from every direction of the city, carrying a banner—“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12).

At the end of the conference, we prayed for the youth who dedicated themselves to live for the cause of the Gospel.

What a moving experience to witness the excitement the young people had to rededicate themselves to the Lord!

Following the Ethiopia gathering, I flew to Indonesia for three weeks of ministry time in different cities. This mission trip was filled with the presence of God, as well. The first ministry was a “five-day national mission conference” outside of Surabaya, Indonesia. The 1,000 registered participants were active national missionaries, who serve in different villages throughout Indonesia. 


My topics for 5 days were

1.     “Blow the trumpet in Zion” 2:1

2.     “The Day of the Lord is Near” 2:1

3.     “I Will Pour Out My Spirit” 2:28 

4.     “They run like warriors: Unstoppable” 2:7-11 


The Lord used these topics to call His people to repentance, to remove the past reproach, prepare for His coming, experience His power, to be an unstoppable army in the Kingdom of God. It is very hard to put into words what all the Lord did during those 5 days, both in the individuals' lives and in calling and awakening the Body of Christ to redeem the time before His return. “Blow the trumpet” to ignite the fire of the Gospel of salvation to call the lost for repentance.

Recommissioning to be Unstoppable Warriors!

After the 5-day mission conference, I went to another city to mister at a missionary training school for two days, ministering to both students and faculty.

Missionary Training School—special worship for students and staff.


Rock Church Service in Bali

After a two-day workshop, I flew to Bali to speak at the Rock church services for the Friday and Sunday service. 


After Bali I flew to conduct a Kingdom Leadership Training Workshop in Jakarta for two days. The workshop was for pastors and business leaders. There were more than 20 pastors and many business leaders attending. The place was packed to capacity. According to the participants' feedback, the workshop was not only eye-opening, but life-changing. 


The last Indonesia ministry was in Semarang. The Semarang ministry started with a youth gathering. We had more than 1,000 youths and about 50 of them raised their hands to accept the Lord as their personal Savior.

Youth Gathering in Semarang.

I conducted a leadership workshop and a special strategic planning meeting for Gospel of the Kingdom Church leaders and ministered in their Sunday services.  On this three-week trip, the last stop was Malaysia for a three-day time of prayer. 


Please join us in praising the Lord for the doors He has opened for us to do the kingdom work. Please join us, also, in your prayers and financial support for upcoming trips both in USA and Brazil. 


You have been a faithful partner to this ministry. Please continue to stand with us as we move forward in these urgent and challenging times. Your prayers and financial support are vital to this Kingdom work. Thank you!

You can make a donation in any of the following ways: 

  • On our site

  • You can mail your dononation to GOSPEL OF GLORY, P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065

  • Via Zelle 719-232-2003


We want to let you know that your gift is tax deductible.


Yours warmly in Christ,



Alemu Beeftu, President


     APRIL - MAY 2023                                                                                                                                                                 
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Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


Thank you again for sending me with your prayers and financial support on this ministry trip to South Africa—they’re fasting and praying, they hear the voice of the Holy Spirit Who asked them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work He had called them to do. In responding to what they heard—“So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.  The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit” (Acts 3-4). What a beautiful picture of Kingdom work. This is what I experienced on the last seventeen days of my trip. 

Pastors and church Leaders

On April 17th, I flew to South Africa for a two-day leadership training workshop for pastors and church leaders in Port Elizabeth. I conducted the training on April 19-20, and it was a life-changing experience, according to the participants’ encouraging feed-back that we received. It was a time of self-evaluation and course correction through repentance. It was truly a time of personal and ministry transformation. Their testimonies were very powerful.

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Pastors and church Leaders

Following the leadership training I held a three-day (Friday through Sunday evening) conference for spiritual training. The only way I can explain this conference is that the Lord showed up. On Sunday morning even the worship leaders were not able to stand to lead the worship. 

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Bethlehem Church Conference
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Sunday moring worship team were not able to stand up to lead worship because of the presence of the Lord.

After South Africa, I flew to Addis to speak at the, “Let Africa Go” conference that was held April 28 and 29. More than 3,000 people attended this special conference.

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The focus of the conference was to identify spiritual solutions to the changing preambles of the African continent and pray together. It was an amazing time. After my session I was given an opportunity to pray for the leaders who represented different African countries—it was a prayer commissioning.  

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Leaders from different African countries

The presence of the Lord was awesome during this session. The worship leaders were on their faces honoring the Lord for His greatness. 

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Following the “Let African Go,” in addition to ministering Sunday morning at one of the local churches, I was launching the 52 days of evangelism program to reach one million souls in 52 days. At the end of the 52 days, we will hold a two-day special celebration conference in a very large auditorium for 10,000 people in June. In addition to evangelism, there is a fasting and prayer for 52 days. If you like to sponsor me on that trip in June please go to to donate. 

Please join me in your prayers for my next ministry trip. I am so grateful that you have invested your faithful prayers and giving into the work of His Kingdom for His glory. Your prayers and financial support are vital to strengthen the Body of Christ and to reach the lost. Thank you for sending us! 


You can DONATE in any of these ways, and your gift is tax deductible:


Yours warmly in Christ,


Alemu Beeftu, President


     MARCH - APRIL 2023                                                                                                                                                                 
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16 youths witnessed their salvation in water baptism at Emerging Glory Center.


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Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


As we approach the end of 2022, the verse that is bubbling or flashing in my spirit is 1 Corinthians.13:13, “Andnow these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Apostle Paul made this summary to not only encourage the church in Corinth, but to also challenge them in living for God and serving Him according to their spiritual gifts. 


At the end of the day, these reigning three are the foundation on which we should evaluate our lives and ministry. Faith gives us a solid base to live from for God, as it molds and shapes our values—that is defining what we believe by our action to please and honor God, as well as affirming our identity and calling.

At Gospel of Glory, our commitment is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and prepare the saints to do the same through their lives and the word of their testimony. Thank you for partnering with us to carry out this mandate throughout the world. 

We started the year 2023 with a week of fasting and praying in the Emerging Glory Center, as well as with a special teaching every Friday about spiritual warfare to advance the Kingdom. At the end of the first quarter, we sought the Lord in unity, fasting and praying for one week. We have witnessed both through the Ethiopia office and Dallas, Texas what the Lord has done in answer to our prayers. We have heard testimonies about cancer disappearing among other miracles. The Lord’s amazing presence among us has been tangible. We have also witnessed the greatest miracles, the salvation of the lost and public testimony in water baptism. Most recently, 16 youths witnessed their salvation in water baptism at Emerging Glory Center.



We also held an annual leadership empowerment training workshop for two days for emerging leaders in Dallas. 

We followed this with Glory Gathering’s annual conference where the Lord opened the heavens over us and blessed us with the revelation of His Word and the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit. 


We also intensified our training and equipping of Kingdom leaders in different cities of the U.S. and other countries. We are committed to focusing on equipping the Body of Christ by empowering leaders and reaching out to the lost with the good news of the Gospel.


Please join me this month in your prayers and financial support as I am traveling to Tupelo, MS., to conduct a leadership training on the topic of Kingdom Leadership Lifestyle; Post Elizabeth, South Africa, for a leadership training spiritual renewal conference; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to speak to leaders at Africa diaspora conference before I fly to Brazil the first week of May.


Then join with us in 2023, through your prayers and financial investment, to help meet the great spiritual need around the world.

I am so grateful that you have invested your faithful prayers and giving into the work of His Kingdom for His glory. Your prayers and financial support are vital to strengthen the Body of Christ and to reach the lost. Thank you for sending us! 


You can donate in any of these ways, and your gift is tax deductible:

  • Click to donate here via our website (Its secured)

  • You can donate via mail: P.O.Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065

  • You can also donate via Zelle: 719-232-2003

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April 27 - 30, 2023

Dr. Alemu Beeftu will be travelling to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to speak to leaders at the Africa diaspora conference.


     DECEMBER 2022, USA & ETHIOPIA                                                                                                                                        

Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


As we approach the end of 2022, the verse that is bubbling or flashing in my spirit is 1 Corinthians.13:13, “Andnow these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Apostle Paul made this summary to not only encourage the church in Corinth, but to also challenge them in living for God and serving Him according to their spiritual gifts. 


At the end of the day, these reigning three are the foundation on which we should evaluate our lives and ministry. Faith gives us a solid base to live from for God, as it molds and shapes our values—that is defining what we believe by our action to please and honor God, as well as affirming our identity and calling.


This gives us the strength to dream about tomorrow with a greater hope. Hope creates an expectancy to live a life worthy of the glory of God by acting upon what we believe. This leads to a life of love for God and others. Hence, our faith enables us to let go of the past to envision the future with greater anticipation, so we can live daily for and by a greater value which is love! These three give us a strong base to answer the three basic questions of life as we come to the end of the year—Where was I? Where am I? Where am I going?


For the Gospel of Glory team, the above three question have been our focus in 2022 as we obeyed the Lord’s mandate of advancing His Kingdom. We believe that we were in the center of His will as we reached out to equip both the saints and leaders for the work of the ministry, as well as reaching out to the lost with the good news of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in six different continents. We also provided leadership training to revitalize leadership’s vision for the harvest and conducted powerful evangelism meetings where we witnessed the salvation of more than a 1,000 souls in 2022.  


In addition, in 2022 the Lord gave us a mandate to establish divine order in His house. I just came back from a three-week trip to do this in Nashville, London, UK, and Ethiopia. Nashville, TN was the Kingdom University graduation conference.


I had the opportunity to work with more than 1,500 leaders. On the trip after Nashville, my first stop was  London, UK. Fourteen years ago, the Lord asked me to provide divine order to prepare churches among the Ethiopians. After I received that mandate, the first church I went to help was the Holiness Unto the Lord church in London. On this trip, that same church, after 14 years, asked me to come back and address the same topic. So, I did. I also spoke at a youth gathering to connect the two generations. It was a life-changing, three-day meeting. Following that the Lord gave me the opportunity to focus on renewing the passion and vision for pastors and leaders who work with children. Twenty-nine years ago, I facilitated a child sonship program in Ethiopia for Compassion International. Since that time, more than 89,000 children have been sponsored. They asked me to help them reignite their passion for the Lord and the generations. I spoke to 7,500 leaders for four hours, and it was recorded to be shared with others nationwide. The presence of the Lord was awesome. It was again time for those leaders to be involved.


The last issue the Lord impressed upon my heart to address was a spirit of hopelessness. One of the challenges in Ethiopia  is hopelessness because of unfulfilled expectation – “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” I addressed those issues via a Christian TV program where many thousands heard the message. I am still receiving the moving, positive feedback that program has had. 


Please join us as we envision 2023. We want to focus on continuing to equip the Body of Christ at large by empowering leaders and to reach out to the lost with the good news of the Gospel. I made a commitment to meet three different times with the leaders, and to meet with emerging young worshipers two different times, to also participate in powerful evangelism events in Ethiopia, Lebanon, UK, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, USA, and anywhere else the Lord may lead. My first overseas trip will be in Ethiopia and South Africa in February, 2023. 


Please help us finish 2022 in the black. Then join with us in 2023 to fulfill this great spiritual hunger through your prayers and financial investment. 


I am so grateful that you have invested your faithful prayers and giving into the work of His Kingdom for His glory. Thank you for sending us to preach the gospel!


Your prayers and financial support are vital in reaching the people in Ethiopia and Lebanon, as well as all the other areas. 


You can donate in any of these ways, and your gift is tax deductible:

Click here to donate online

Via Mail:

Gospel of Glory

P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065

Phone: 719-232-2003

Yours warmly in Christ,


Alemu Beeftu, President

Vision Revitalized & Power Evangelism


Dear partner in Gospel,


I hope and pray you had a great summer. In Texas, our summer was extremely hot which reminded us to be thankful for air conditioning and to trust the Lord for the bill. Gospel of Glory’s team this summer was very productive and eventful. We focused on leadership training and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry with intense prayer times.

Thank you again for serving the King of glory with us through your prayers and financial support. I told emerging young leaders during the biblical leadership training workshop in September that the uniqueness of New Testament ministry is that God calls individuals according to His perfect will and the Body of Christ agrees with the calling of God by sending. Paul was referring to this when he said, “James, Peter, and John…recognized the gift God had given me, and they accepted Barnabas and me as their co-workers. They encouraged us to keep preaching to the Gentiles,…” (Gal.2:9).

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Kingdom University training class on kingdom leadership as a lifestyle.

To me that simply says that those who send through their prayer and financial support and those who go are co-wo  rkers. No one is special in the kingdom work, but everyone has a very important role. Thank you for trusting Gospel of Glory’s team to be co- workers with you. We are honored to labor with you as partners in the kingdom work.


This summer our team focused on power evangelism in Ethiopia and the USA. Pastor Mesfin Mulugeta conducted a series of power evangelism meetings in Nashville (TN), Atlanta (GA), San Jose (CA), Seattle (WA) and Dallas (TX). The Lord moved by His love and mercy in healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, restoring covenant relationship and renewing spiritual life and walk with the Lord. We have received powerful testimonies not only about miracles during the gatherings, but also about the manifested presence of God in a very special way.

I conducted leadership training in New Jersey for Kingdom University on August 12 and 13 via zoom and in person It was a very amazing time of revelation and impartation. After ever session both on Friday and Saturday, we took time for feedback about the workshop. Many of the

participants shared their feedback with tears and a since heart of repentance. The repeated phrases included – “Why haven’t we heard such revelation before?” “I know who I am in His kingdom.” “I am renewed.” “My vision is revitalized.” “The Lord touched me.” “You have to come back. We need such revelation and impartation.” Few ladies cried most of the time during the sessions.

With emerging leadership training, we also conducted a special conference where we experienced the amazing presence of God. On the last day of the conference, we also took time to minister to the young people.

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Praying for the youth and commissioning them for the new academic year.

Our ministry schedule for the remainder of the year in addition to regular ministry of the word in conferences and during Sunday services will include mission trips to Lebanon, UK and Ethiopia for conducting power evangelism, church conferences and leadership training workshops for pastors and Christian leaders.

Would you send us again as co-workers? Let us finish 2022 strong together by redeeming the remainder of the year. I am so grateful that you have invested your faithful prayers and giving into the work of His kingdom for His glory. Thank you.


Your prayers and financial support are vital to the people in Ethiopia and Lebanon.


You can DONATE here.

Yours warmly in Christ,


Alemu Beeftu, President



Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


I am writing this with great joy for what the Lord accomplished during our mission trip to Ethiopia this month. Thank you for being part of this trip through your faithful prayers and giving. and for your faithfulness in advancing the Kingdom work. 

The focus of the trip was to meet with key evangelical church leaders and to reflect on three questions for spiritual renewal and transformation: 1) Where have we been as evangelical churches? 2) Where are we now? and 3) Where are we going as individual believers, the body of Christ, and the nation?

To start the dialogue, I met with the Evangelical Council (an organization established to give the body of Christ legitimacy in the nation) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Ethiopian Church Leaders. I have great respect for both organizations. My hope is for the two organizations to be united to give the body of Christ legal and spiritual authority in the nation for a greater impact for the Kingdom. The process has begun, but it will require prayer and further dialogue.

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I believe that the call of Ethiopia is to advance the light of the Kingdom. That is God’s covenant with the nation. I held three-hour leadership workshops for about 200 pastors and leaders to highlight the call of the body of Christ in the nation and the empowerment of spiritual leaders.

In addition, I ministered at the weekly power evangelism, where 33 people accepted the Lord, and we saw physical healings and deliverance. I also delivered a series of messages based on Gideon’s question to the angel, “If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” to the nation of Ethiopia via a Christian TV program. Furthermore, I spoke on the topic of “Renewal of Hope” for the nation to create an anticipation and expectation for the fulfillment of the promises of God.

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I believe that the call of Ethiopia is to advance the light of the Kingdom. That is God’s covenant with the nation. I held three-hour leadership workshops for about 200 pastors and leaders to highlight the call of the body of Christ in the nation and the empowerment of spiritual leaders.

In addition, I ministered at the weekly power evangelism, where 33 people accepted the Lord, and we saw physical healings and deliverance. I also delivered a series of messages based on Gideon’s question to the angel, “If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” to the nation of Ethiopia via a Christian TV program. Furthermore, I spoke on the topic of “Renewal of Hope” for the nation to create an anticipation and expectation for the fulfillment of the promises of God.

Now I understand why the Lord asked me to go back to Ethiopia a second time this year. And I am praying about the possibility of going back a third time, in November. I would meet again with key leaders for further dialogue to envision the future, and I would conduct leadership training for pastors. 


I feel that the nation of Ethiopia is on the critical edge of crossing over to its prophetic destiny. This is the hour I need to intensify my input, and I greatly appreciate your prayer support. But in addition to traveling, I have been asked to provide biblically based leadership principles to encourage and equip emerging young leaders and to renew the vision and passion of experienced leaders. By presenting this virtually, I can make it available to the body of Christ wherever it is needed. 


The Lord continues to open doors for great Kingdom impact. I am so grateful that you have invested your faithful prayers and giving into this work. Thank you. 


Please continue to stand with us as we move forward in these urgent and challenging times. Your prayers and financial support are vital to this Kingdom work. 


You can donate in anyone of these ways: 

  1. Go to for online donation.

  2. You can mail to GOSPEL OF GLORY, P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065

  3. ZELLE directly via 719-232-2003


Your gift is tax deductible.


Yours warmly in Christ,

A. Beeftu

Alemu Beeftu, President


May 2022 - ETHIOPIA

Dear Partner in the Gospel, 


I am writing this brief highlight with great joy for what the Lord has done this month and for your faithfulness in advancing the Kingdom work. Thank you, again, for sending us to Ethiopia through your prayers and financial support for the work of God. I am convinced that, although every believer is not an evangelist, every child of God has a responsibility for spreading the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


The entire Gospel of Glory team—Pastor Habte, Pastor Mesfin Mamo, Pastor Genet Beeftu and I—spent two weeks of ministry in Ethiopia. Pastor Habte and Pastor Mesfin Mamo conducted a three-day worship workshop for young worshipers and musicians. At the end of the workshop, Pastor Genet and I met with the leaders for encouragement and fellowship.  

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After the workshop, Pastor Habte went to Lebanon for one week of ministry—a very powerful time. He witnessed healing, deliverance, renewal, and salvation. There was also a water baptism celebration.


Meanwhile, Pastor Mesfin Mamo completed recording a new worship album, which we dedicated on May 8th. I spoke about true worship at the celebration and release of this new worship CD. 


During our ministry time, Genet and I met with key leaders and delivered the prophetic word of the Lord. We prayed with different groups of leaders for the nation and declared the purposes of God. May 2nd and 3rd, I ministered to the evangelical denominations’ fathers, who represented all the denominations in Ethiopia and shared a message from the Lord about their nation. Then I prayed with them a prayer of repentance and declaration. 


I ministered at power evangelism gatherings on two Fridays where more than 30 individuals accepted the Lord.

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In addition to salvations, we also witnessed many physical and emotional healings, deliverance, and all kinds of miracles and signs. Let me share just two examples that I saw with my own eyes—

There was a young man in his 30’s whose body was completely covered with sores. Pastor Mesfin Mulugeta looked at him and said, “Where did this second Job come from?” Pastor Mesfin told those with him to bring him to the stage for prayer. They couldn’t do it because there was no place to touch his body. Pastor Mesfin came close to him and rebuked Satan in the name of Jesus. He told the man to be healed. The man was delivered and healed instantly. While I was watching with my own eyes, the sores were gone. He jumped up on his feet and started running around, praising the Lord. I have seen many miracles, but never have I seen anything like this. 

A young man in his 20’s was brought to the stage for prayer. He was not able to move his left hand and right foot. When he was in the military, bullets had entered both his chest and lower back, paralyzing him. Since both bullets were positioned on his nervous system, doctors couldn’t remove them. Pastor Mesfin prayed for the bullets to melt. After a short commanding prayer, the young man started jumping up and down as he was praising the Lord. It was an awesome manifestation of God’s great healing power.

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I also spoke twice to the nation through a livestream Christian TV program. As I was speaking, more than 200,000 were following live.

After we came back, the Lord spoke to my spirit that I should go back two more times this calendar year for training, prayer and declaring the promise of over the nation. I have decided to go back in July and November in obedience to His voice.

 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me.’” 


Will you send me back to Ethiopia through your prayers and financial support? 

Join us in praising the Lord for the doors He has opened for us to prepare emerging leaders for Kingdom work. Please join us, also, in your prayers and financial support for an even greater impact. 


You have been a faithful partner to this ministry. Please continue to stand with us as we move forward in these urgent and challenging times. Your prayers and financial support are vital to this Kingdom work. Thank you!

You can make a donation in any of these ways: 

  1. Go to and give online.

  2. You can mail your support to our address: Gospel of Glory, P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065

  3. You can also Zelle your contribution via 719-232-2003.



Your gift is tax deductible.


Yours warmly in Christ, 

A Beeftu

Alemu Beeftu, President

February 2020

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Chuck Pierce presented me with this beautiful ministry mantle.

Gospel of Glory has truly entered into a new season in 2020. As you may know, I celebrated 50 years of ministry during the weekend of January 31-February 2.


I want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting us with your love, prayers and financial partnership. There is no way that I could have made it to this milestone in my life without you. You go with me into every nation where I travel and help me be the hands and feet of Christ.


The weekend was glorious, and the presence of God was tangible in every meeting. But it was not just a time of looking back. It was a time of looking to the future and hearing what God has planned for this ministry. The Lord has shown us that 2020 is a year of redefining, realigning, recompense, restoring power, and resetting our future.  At the celebration, I was blessed to be recommissioned by Apostle Chuck Pierce, Dr. Don Crum, and my spiritual sons. The Lord gave me a special mandate for this era of ministry.

Chuck Pierce’s and Cindy Jacob’s prophetic words, which are excerpted below, highlight my calling for this era.  


Chuck Pierce presented me with this beautiful ministry mantle. He said, in part, “[This is] a mantle representing new wine and representing building the future.  The Lord says, ‘You are being dressed in a way that only I could dress you. I am shifting you. You are not going to be teaching and making people understand. You are going to be imparting knowledge and strategies that change the course of cities and nations. You are going to be moving in ways that you never would have thought you would have moved.’ . . . The Lord says, ‘You will rally people throughout nations, but you will also blend those people and their favor into key apostolic leadership of nations. Get ready. I have just extended your call. You will build the future and you will build with power and you will build with understanding, but you will build with revelation. So, I say to you, go before, favored, for a new era has now begun in your life.’”


Cindy Jacobs spoke this prophecy: “Alemu, at your heart you’re a revivalist; at your heart you want to see souls saved. The Lord says, ‘I am getting ready to open doors for you.’  I see you doing some major outdoor meetings. The Lord says, ‘If you will plan for them even in your own country’—and I know it’s like your Nazareth, in Ethiopia—the Lord says, ‘I am going to give you miracles that you will hardly be able to believe.’  The Lord says it’s not just going to affect Ethiopia and Eritrea. It’s going to affect Uganda; it’s going to affect Kenya.  The Lord says that East Africa revival is getting ready to break out again and He says, ‘I am going to use you in a great way for that revival.’

September 2019

500 Saved at a Youth Conference


I returned last week from four weeks of ministry with great joy in what the Lord did in six cities, three countries and two continents. During these ministry trips, a verse that came to my mind often was the people’s response to Jesus’s ministry—“He has done everything well.” Mark 7:37 This was true of this ministry trip.

My ministry included speaking to small groups, addressing large gatherings, conducting leadership training workshops, providing consultation on curriculum design and ministry strategies, establishing divine order in local church settings, facilitating reconciliation among ministry leaders, ministering at local church services, and hosting a live webcast.

Since I stepped into full time ministry almost 50 years ago, one of my personal cries and burdens has been for the full manifestation of the glory of the Lord (that is why the Lord led us to name this ministry Gospel of Glory twenty- eight years ago) and for the generations. My life verse has been Now when David served God’s purpose in his own generation (Acts 13:36).


The highlight of this trip was ministering to 3,000 youth in Semarang, Indonesia. These young people came from different government schools with permission to attend. After I spoke and gave an invitation, more than 500 accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. To see them running forward was my greatest joy in 50 years of ministry. I felt as if the Lord said to me, “I have heard your cry for the generations.”

Others came forward for prayer, deliverance and freedom believing that there is power in the Holy Spirit to give victory. You can imagine the feeling I experienced and the tears of joy I shed back in my hotel room. Whenever I look at the pictures I’m sharing with you, I am again overcome with great joy. Praise the Lord with us as you look at what the Lord Jesus had done in the lives of hundreds of young people.

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When I see this, I think of the word of the Lord Jesus, the great Savior and deliverer, in Luke 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”


Another driving force of Gospel of Glory’s ministry is equipping Christian leadership for greater impact in the kingdom of God. The Lord gave an opportunity on this trip to minister to many Christian leaders. The highlight of my time with 1,100 pastors and leaders was to talk to them about “Discipling Kingdom Leaders.”

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A Discipling Community From Believers To Disciples Conference


Again, I praise the Lord for His great mercy and opportunity He has given us to serve Him and advance His kingdom in strategic regions of the world. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your partnership both in prayer and financial support.

Please join us in your prayers and financial support for my upcoming mission trip to Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Brazil and the United Kingdom. One of the small churches in Cairo has been waiting for us to commission a pastor we have been preparing. The only thing that is hindering us is provision for the airline ticket, lodging and food for five days. Would you ask the Lord about sending us on these important trips to advance the kingdom work? Please join me in this great last day harvest.


Thank you for praying and standing with our ministry. Your prayers and financial support are vital to this kingdom work. You can make a donation at or send your gift to P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065 (469-763-3773). Your gift is tax deductible.

Yours warmly in Christ,

Alemu Beeftu

President of Gospel of Glory




As you are aware, this is a very special time for the work of the gospel. It is a season of open doors. Please stand with us and let us maximize this opportunity by declaring the gospel of salvation and discipling nations to advance the His kingdom.   

Thank you for standing with this ministry by your prayers and financial support. They are vital to this kingdom work. You can make a donation at right here on the website or send your gift to P.O. Box 1719, Lake Dallas, TX 75065 (469-763-3773). Your gift is tax deductible.

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