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Dr. Alemu Beetu

Dr. Alemu Beeftu’s earned his BA from Biola University and his masters and PH.D. from Michigan State University. Dr. Beeftu's concentrated studies in Curriculum and Non-Formal Education, with complementary studies in Rural and Community Development, plus more than 25 years of practice in these and related fields, have made him an accomplished and sought-after leadership trainer. Dr. Beeftu has developed leadership curriculum and trained leaders and now emerging leaders in more than 40 countries, with a goal of building national leadership infrastructures. He has worked with executive and general leadership of churches, denominations and NGOs, as well as the corporate sector to advance the kingdom work and, to foster sustainable societal change, particularly in third-world countries.

At present, Dr. Beeftu concentrates on transformational leaders, leaders of various ages who have the calling, gifting and character to make a significant impact on society for the kingdom of God in the developing and developed world.

Dr. Beeftu is the founder and president of Gospel of Glory. He was senior leadership development specialist with Compassion International for more than twenty years. He was associate professor at Michigan State University for three and half years.

Dr. Beeftu is also an author…. his most recent books include: Put Your Heart Above Your Head, Determination To Make A Difference, Restoring the Altar For Fresh Fire, Leadership Journey, Spiritual Accountability, Leading for Kingdom Impact, and etc.

Samuel Brassfield

Samuel L. Brassfield is president and co-founder of Harvest International Ministries, Inc. [HIM], which is a mission, evangelistic and teaching outreach with an apostolic and prophetic foundation, to advance the Kingdom of God. He and his wife Nancy Brassfield both ordained ministers, have been in active ministry for 56 years as missionaries, evangelists, pastors and teachers. They have been pastors of churches in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado and Texas. They were full time missionaries to Indonesia in the 70’s. Samuel and his wife Nancy served three years on staff at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. Nancy served as Dean of Women she cared for some 450 women in the dorms and off campus. Samuel served as Director of Prayer and Intercession and also developed and taught two year bible courses each semester. Samuel holds a Master’s Degree in Theology and Bible. He has authored three books and several teaching manuals to help bring today’s true Church to spiritual maturity. Today, Samuel and Nancy live in Bertram, Texas. They travel as prophetic conference speakers and teachers in local churches and conferences each year. Samuel has traveled as a prophetic voice here in the States, Argentina, Mexico, the UK, Russia and Belarus and is a member of the APCE, a prophetic council of prophetic voices from around the world who gather annually to hear corporately what the Spirit is saying to the Church and the world. They have two daughters who are married and have four grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.

Terry Tyson

Terry and Marguerite Tyson, have eight daughters and one son, and live on their family ranch in the TX Panhandle. Terry is a private investor who received a Bachelors degree from OSU in Agricultural Economics and a Master of Divinity from Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California. Terry manages multiple trust funds and serves on board of directors for ministries in Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri. Terry and Marguerite spend much of their time ministering to business and church leadership helping them find their true identity as sons in Father’s Kingdom. Currently much of their ministry is focused on helping leaders strengthen their human spirit to lead over their redeemed soul so they can partner with Heavenly Father in new levels of creativity to advance His Kingdom.

Timmerle Kelly

Timmerle Kelly has 20 years background in finance across a number of different industries and has taught Kingdom Finance and Economics at Christ for the Nations Institute. She lives in a small town near Dallas, Texas, where she has served on the City Council, and currently serves on the city’s Economic Development Board of Directors. Combining her unique background of finance and government with prayer, she carries a unique ability to help the praying church intercede for the issues of our day to effect change and advance the Kingdom.

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Dr. Alemu Beeftu is the founder and president of Gospel of Glory. We are located at Denton, Texas.



P.O.BOX 1719

Lake Dallas, TX 75065

Phone:  214-513-9992


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