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 MARCH 30th - APRIL 1st 2017 

SAN Annual Meeting - TEXAS


Spiritual Accountability Network Meeting

We held our annual Spiritual Accountability Network (SAN) meeting from March 30 to April 2, 2017 in Richardson, Texas, with approximately 30 in attendance.  SAN is a support system that unites like-minded individuals who have a calling, gifting, and need to build Godly character and vision to make a significant impact on society by correcting the past and shaping the future within the context of biblical accountability. It is the conviction of Gospel of Glory that biblical accountability is a process of releasing the potential the Lord placed in individuals by encouraging and building a biblical lifestyle to make a difference. 

This year’s focus included:

  • Spiritual input - We focused on divine pattern for the fullness of His glory. Since our primary mandate is to prepare individuals who are committed to correct the past and shape the future, we felt that identifying divine patterns to establish a standard of excellence for practical application was the key. This gave the participants practical tools to work with as well as a measuring stick to evaluate their work. The input was received with great excitement. 

  • Personal reflection and sharing time – Those who have been the part of SAN had a special time of sharing and reflection. This was a very special time of encouragement, testimony, edification, correction, vision sharing and prayer time. This time was both an enriching and deeper covenant fellowship time.

  • Special training and orientation time for the new comers about the purpose and concepts of SAN. The new comers found this time very helpful to identify with the vision. 

  • Questions and answer time – We used this time to clarify both some of the principles of effective Spiritual Accountability for a long-term journey as well as establishing realistic expectations for the future.

  • Sharing and prayer time – We met Sunday night for personal prayer and ministry time.  It was a very powerful personal sharing time consisting of honesty and vulnerability to the team. The group encouraged each other through prayer and prophetic words. It was a healing, renewal, direction and encouragement time. 

The presence of the Lord was awesome! Everyone commented that this was the highlight of the annual gathering.  We concluded our meeting by setting a date for next year – March 27-30, 2018.

Commission of the Prophets


The gathering had two aspects to it. The first three days focused on worship and hearing what the Lord is saying to us individually and to the Body of Christ. During the second part of the conference, the emphasis was deliverance, healing and miracles. Many people were set free.

Glory Gathering Worship Time

Overall, the gathering was not only unique and special, but also full of revelation, power, deliverance, healing and miracles. It was for the greater Dallas area. It broke the spirit of hopeless and discouragement from the people of God and restored fire to the churches in the city.

 APRIL 10 - 12, 2017 


I flew to Israel on April 10th to conduct a leadership training workshop for Ethiopian Jews, pastors and church leaders. I led the 3-day workshop for about 25 leaders. The focus of the training was to help the participants to understand Passover and apply its principles to spiritual leadership in Jewish culture and to move individuals from ordinary ministry and leadership activities into extraordinary relationship with the Lord. The three-day leadership workshop was an eye opener for the leaders. Their comments were, “We didn’t know this”, “This workshop opened our eyes”, “We are committed to correct the wrong practices we used to do”, “We will not be the same again”, and “We would like to get this training once a year to be able to evaluate our lives and ministries”. After the three day workshop, we prayed for each pastor individually.

Following the leadership workshop, I ministered in two different churches on Saturday. The spirit of the Lord was touching people in very special ways and so many people rededicated their lives to the Lord after the ministry time. I haven’t seen such a breakthrough in my ministry time in Israel before. 

 APRIL 19 - 23, 2017 


April 19, I flew to Cairo to conduct leadership training and speak at a church conference. We have been working with Ethiopian and Eritrean Evangelical churches in Cairo for more than a year. Our primary focus has been to help them to work together for greater impact. Finally, five churches and one ministry made a decision to work together to advance the kingdom agenda.  The basis of their agreement was to organize a leadership training workshop and spiritual conference together to reach the lost. After the initial agreement, we held a three-day leadership workshop, which made a great impact upon their personal lives and ministry decisions. All of them made a commitment to go back and correct what went wrong in the past - in their personal lives, family, church and ministry vision. One of the pastors summarized the experience by saying, “The Lord restored our lives and ministries and opened our eyes and understanding. We are renewed! ”. We also had personal ministry and counselling time with individual pastors.

Over the weekend, the five churches organized a conference that was open to everyone in the city. It was an amazing time and great breakthrough for the participants, the churches and the city. Six people accepted the Lord as their personal savior and a number of people were healed and delivered. 

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