The call of God that I accepted 48 years ago still burns in my heart. I continue to preach the Gospel, to train and equip emerging leaders, and to encourage the Body of Christ to fulfill the mandate of the Gospel.
This year, to date, we have ministered in Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We have witnessed the powerful work of Christ—salvation, deliverance, and restoration—and we have equipped the Body of Christ for the work of the gospel.
— Dr. Alemu Beeftu
Update Items
We started 2018 in London, UK. I held a six days spiritual conference for Holiness Unto the Lord Church. The focus of the conference was about understanding the divine order to be effective in the house of the Lord. This annual conference takes place after forty days of fasting and prayer by Holiness Unto The Lord Church every year and it attracts believers from different churches in London. During these six days, I was able to minister to many church leaders and because of that, the impact of the conference was citywide. In addition, the presence of the Lord was so real and the revelation of the word was amazing. Many renewed their commitment to seek the Lord all year long and to live for His purpose.
New Year 2018

Following the annual conference, we held a one-day special gathering for the youth. The main purpose of this meeting was to help the young people understand their prophetic destiny and walk in true identity with determination to do the will of God. At the conclusion of the gathering, many young people gave their lives to the Lord and others rededicated themselves to the Lord.
January 2018
leadership training & conference

After the powerful conference in London, I flew to Egypt to leadership training and speak at Coptic Churches Christmas conference. The leadership workshop and spiritual conference took place January 4-8 in Cairo, Egypt. The leadership training time was very effective as we dealt with some practical issues such as true calling, character and integrity in a ministry, true vision, divine order in the context of local church ministry, etc. In addition to formal workshop time, I spent many hours with the church leaders in answering their questions and helping them with church structure. The two-day conference was awesome. Also, many churches were closed because of fear so the Lord gave us special favor with authority and they granted us a special permission to hold the conference. It was such a life changing time for so many. One of the churches asked me to provide apostolic covering for them, which I accepted. I will go back for further training and to finalize the working relationship.
According to the feedback we received, the Lord ministered to so many people at a very personal level and it was an amazing time of renewal and restoration of hope and vision.
I made a commitment to go back in April for one week to conduct leadership training and hold a conference for Evangelical Church Fellowship.
Emerging Glory Center Dallas (EGC) organized a special conference for miracles and healing to reach out to Ethiopians and Eritreans in the greater Dallas area. Pastor Mesfin Mulugeta came from Ethiopia to minister at this conference and the Lord used him mightily in healing and deliverance. During the three days conference, many people experienced the special touch of God and four people accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior.
After the conference, we organized special meetings where Pastor Mesfin ministered to EGC ministry team. It was a very special time.

february 2018
christian emerging leaders annual meeting

We held our Christian Emerging Leaders Network January 31st - February 2nd, 2018.
I would like to take a few minutes to praise the Lord for the amazing time we had during this meeting. All of us witnessed together the awesome presence and a life changing touch of God. There are no adequate words to describe what the Lord did during those three days. The glorious presence of the Lord was beyond our expectations. For the first time since we moved to the greater Dallas area, we sensed the same intensity of the glory of the Lord we previously experienced during annual glory gatherings we used to hold when Gospel of Glory was located in Colorado Springs, CO.

We felt that this is a new season of His presence and “The Again Time” for those who seek Him with pure motives, sincere faith and unity of heart and spirit. Hence, it is not enough to do the same thing and hoping for a different outcome. A new season requires a new approach by following the leading of the Holy Spirit. In December and early January as I was praying for the Lord’s leading about Spiritual Accountability Network, I felt very strongly to change the name Spiritual Accountability Network to CHRISTIAN EMERGING LEADERS NETWORK (CEL) in order to get ready for what the Lord wants to do in this new season. During our conference, the Lord confirmed this through prophets who were not aware of what was happening in our meeting on the second day of our meeting.

Therefore, the official name of this glory gathering is CHRISTIAN EMERGING LEADERS NETWORK (CEL) instead of Spiritual Accountability Network (SAN). The primary purpose of CEL is to unite transformational leaders of all ages who have the calling, gifting, and character to make a significant impact on society by correcting the past and shaping the future. The focus of CEL would be to enhance true accountability to produce transformed leaders for transforming leadership at personal, family, ministry and professional levels for greater impact. It was a time of reflection, revelation, impartation and fellowship.